here's the story - when i found out i was pregnant first told my bf n my mum and they was over the moon i told my bfs mum shes started saying why don't u get an abortion your not old enough for a child then after i told her no it came to when i was about 25 weeks pregnant we was round her house and she starts going on about how shes going to buy a cot for her house and she can have my little girl every weekend (which i dint like ) she also went on about taking my little girl on holiday without me or the father being with her and before we get the change to take her ( which i also dint like ) i went in to premature labour at 34 weeks due to stress because it was all getting to me there was so much she kept saying that was stressing me out after giving birth my child was in special care for 19 days and only parents of the baby were allowed to visit due to so many other babies being in there she through a fuss at us because she couldn't see her when she wanted to we also started talking about christening her she turned around n sed why don't u have my 2 daughter's as god parents which i thought was unfair as i have 2 sisters as well her daughters are 9 and 11 my sisters are 12 and 15 so my sisters are older as well because we said no cos it isn't fair she dint talk to us for a week now my daughter is out of hospital she throws fusses when she cant see her or we dont come round on her demand i cant drive nor can my bf but she can yet expects us to get hour n hlf bus journey to her house and when she comes round my house she goes on about hows shes going to take her on holiday still without us and because of christmas she asked what my mums buyin my daughter for christmas so i told her and she threw fuss cos she thinks my mum is trying to take all the good stuff she also just comes into my house and when my daughter is asleep she wakes her up and starts sayin ohh im going to take you home with me n wont bring u back n my daughter is getting clingy cos shes teething shes 3 month old and crys when someone she dont recognise picks her up and so she crys when my bfs mum picks her up yet wont give her to me just lets her cry which i hate seeing my daughter cry when i can settle her if she just gave her me back and when it comes supermarket aswell she is also obsessive she doesnt ever let me push my own daughter around the shops she has to or else she threatens us sayin she wont buy us owt again or lend us owt if we need it unless we let her then when someone startes at my daughter in her buggie she stands there talking to the people like shes her daughter and it really hurts me that i never get to push my own daughter in my eyes she is just being so obsessive and i dont know how to tell her because she will just turn around and say something really nasty to me she told my bf that she dont care if we brake up aslong as she still gets to see my daughter please someone help what can i do ?My Boyfriends Mum Is Becoming Obsessive What Can I Do?
Your question is really hard to understand due to grammar issues. All you have to do is say back off.My Boyfriends Mum Is Becoming Obsessive What Can I Do?
Ok I couldnt read the whole thing due to lack of punctuation and spelling (and it just rambles on). You just need to stand up for yourself and tell her to back off. If you let her keep it up it will never stop and you will be miserable. You might hurt her feelings at first and she will probably be mad at you, but she will get over it if she truly loves her grandbaby.
You need to stand up for yourself right now. She is being very controlling and obsessive. You and your bf need to sit down and talk to her, before things get out of control.
You are her mother, of course you want to push her pram when you are out because I'm sure you are so proud to be her mummy.
Be firm but polite, lay down some ground rules...
For example...
Tell her she can come visit the baby in your home but that she needs to arrange this in advance and to respect you as her mother (you and your bf are the only people who have any rights to your baby). Explain to her that your daughter needs her sleep and that she should not wake her from naps. If she mentions the holiday thing again, just laugh loudly and say 'you will take your holidays with mummy and daddy, not granny, isnt that right baba?'
If you choose to go to the shops with her again, (although I wouldnt) and she starts taking over and pushing the pram, calmly and firmly take the handles of the buggy and say 'excuse me' and you could say to your baby, 'you like mummy to push you dont you?'
Dont let her have the baby without you there until these issues are resolved. Anything you are not happy with, just tell her. If she takes a strop and threatens to not buy things for your daughter, she obviously doesnt love her that much.
If she kicks up a fuss when you start putting her in her place just tell her that you want her to play an active role in her grandaughters life but that she is making it difficult for you to allow that.
When my baby was 3months old I wanted my space so me, my bf and baby could get used to being a family, now shes older I am grateful her grandparents want a part in her life and that they babysit, spoilt her etc.
Your babys grannys time will come, but she needs to adjust to role of granny... She isnt the mum! Good luck. Enjoy your LO, they grow up too fast!x
Talk to your boyfriend and see if he agrees, then have him tell her to back off. I wouldn't care if she was threatening not to buy you stuff, if she really loves your daughter she will anyway. You need to push back and tell her, don't handle my baby when she's sleeping. Who cares if she throws a fuss.
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